MAPOG Analysis

Create a 60-Minute Drive Isochrone Map for Optimizing Refinery Supply Depots

You can optimize your supply chain using the Isochrone tool, With MAPOG MAP ANALYSIS. Isochrone mapping helps visualize travel times around supply depots, pinpointing the best locations for efficient deliveries. Discover how this simple yet powerful technique can transform your logistics. KEY CONCEPTS Our goal is to create a simple and interactive map that covers … Read more

Create Sports Maps and Analyze : GIS Solutions for Improving Local Sports

Understanding and analyzing sports activities in various areas is crucial for making informed decisions about community health, engagement, and infrastructure investments. Mapping Sports Activity: Using Levels for Analysis, By using the level feature and category style in GIS, we can visualize and categorize sports activities on a map effectively. Key Concept of Create Sports Maps … Read more

Creating GIS Maps for Optimizing Bank Branch and ATM Locations with ‘Near by Neighbour’ Analysis

Banks strive to ensure that their branches and ATMs are conveniently located for their customers. Mapping Bank and ATM Locations Using Near by Neighbour Analysis, To achieve this, they use a sophisticated technique called ‘Near by Neighbour’ analysis. This method helps banks determine the optimal placement of ATMs and branches, ensuring customers have easy access … Read more

Enhanced Lake Monitoring: Segmenting with Split Polygon and Split Line Tools

Large lakes present challenges in consistent and comprehensive environmental monitoring due to their vast size and varied conditions. “Lakes Monitoring Using Split Polygon and Split Line segmentation in MAPOG” is a systematic approach to segmenting the lake is necessary for efficient monitoring and effective management of environmental health. Key Concepts By utilizing the Split Polygon … Read more