With the help of MAPOG’s Convex Hull function, explore the field of species habitat protection! ‘Coverage Area for Each Species Using Convex Hull’ delves into the methods we use to define and safeguard habitat ranges using observational data and habitat suitability models.
Key Concepts
According to the study “Coverage Area for Each Species Using Convex Hull,” convex hulls defined by MAPOG combine habitat models and observation data to precisely map the range of a species’ habitat.
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Step 1: Upload Species data
First, navigate to the Map Analysis interface. Then click on the “Add upload” button in the upper left corner. A dialogue box will open. Click on “Upload Vector File” to add data.

A box will open on the right side of the screen, select Browse option to browse the Species data & click Upload to upload the data.

Step 2: Save Project
Now, click on the pencil icon situated right after the “Untitled Map” text to save the project. In the dialogue box write proper name and description that describe the project accurately. And click on save map option. Your project will be saved.
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Step 3: Convex Hull
We will now construct the species’ convex hull. To select the convex hull, click the header’s analyze data button.

Next, enter your dataset in the select feature area and fill in the join attribute section with the attribute you wish to use to generate a convex hull. After that, give a buffer range and use the field option to save the fields you want. Click “Submit” once you’re happy.

Step 4: Results & Analysis
The visual definition of the species’ habitat range provided by MAPOG’s convex hulls provides a clear picture of the species’ extent. With the use of this technique, precise management and conservation planning strategies founded on habitat suitability models and observation data are made possible.
Dive into biodiversity conservation with our step-by-step guide! Learn how to utilize the clip tool and create grids for precise mapping, empowering effective conservation strategies in ‘Biodiversity Conservation: Step-by-Step Guide to Clip Polygon for Effective Maps’.

Major Findings
1. Habitat Range Identification: MAPOG’s convex hull analysis revealed the precise extent of the species’ habitat range, aiding in the identification of critical areas for conservation efforts.
2. Habitat Connectivity Assessment: By delineating convex hulls, MAPOG facilitated the assessment of habitat connectivity, highlighting corridors essential for species movement and genetic exchange.
3. Conservation Priority Areas: The application of convex hulls in MAPOG allowed for the identification of priority conservation areas within the species’ habitat range, guiding targeted conservation interventions to preserve biodiversity effectively.
Domain and Industry
For academic research institutions, government agencies, environmental conservation organizations, and other organizations, this map is a very useful resource.
Dive into the world of biosphere reserves with our “Create Biosphere Reserves Map: Iconic Fauna Representation with GIS”! Discover how utilizing GIS to create point data enhances conservation efforts and promotes biodiversity within these vital ecosystems.
1. How does the application of convex hulls contribute to the conservation of species habitats, and what are the advantages of using this method compared to other spatial analysis techniques?
2. Can you explain the process of utilizing convex hulls to delineate the extent of species habitat ranges based on observation data and habitat suitability models, and how this information informs conservation strategies?
Finally, the convex hull analysis provided by MAPOG provides an easy way to precisely identify the habitat ranges of species. Conservation efforts can be more precisely focused, guaranteeing the preservation of vital areas for biodiversity conservation, by combining observation data and habitat suitability models.
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